
3 hours ago
Sarah Clay interview
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Sarah is based in Huaraz, Peru, where she serves with Latin Link in partnership with GBM. In this interview with Paul Brunning she tells us about the Rainbow Association in Huaraz and some of the ways she supports its staff and its work among disadvantaged children. We also hear about Peruvian church life, the priority of keeping up close fellowship with God, staying fresh in missionary work, and the joy of Peruvian mangoes!
(This podcast episode is the full length version of the shorter edit used in our Prayer Waves video for March 2025.)

5 days ago
5 days ago
A brief overview of the prophecy of Joel, one the minor prophets in the Old Testament. Followed by a sermon suggestion on Joel 2:28-32.
#MinorProphets #ProphecyofJoel #locusts #judgment #dayoftheLord #restore #Pentecost #Promise #NewCovenant #HolySpirit #tongues #salvation #sundarkened #secondcoming
#Joel #Acts2v14-36
A Pastor Talks brings God’s word to bear on all aspects of the Christian experience.
#Pastor #pastoral #Godspresence #turbulent #faithful #comforting #reassuring #Godslove
#Psalm46v1 #Psalm139v14 #Isaiah55v8-9 #2Corinthians12v9 #Romans8v35-39
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Mar 14, 2025
Friday Mar 14, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘There is no distinction between pastors and the people; there are not some who are spiritually superior and have special access to God and his grace above others. We don’t have to go through an earthly priest to receive God’s acceptance, but we can all come directly to him through Christ, and we can all serve in his temple, which is the church.’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #Sacrifices #holiness #washing #acceptance #reigning #heaven #temple #service
#Psalm24v3-4 #Hebrews10v22 #Hebrews13v15-16 #1Peter1v15 #1Peter 2v5 #Revelation5v10 #Revelation7v14-15
#Pastor #pastoral #sparklingjewel #church #imperfectpeople #Godsfamily #believers #bride #forgivensinners #precious #holy #fellowship
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘We are priests to the world. We should pray for our unbelieving family and friends, for our nation, leaders and even our enemies.’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #preachingthegospel #sacrifice #drinkoffering #service #prayer #intercession #incense
#Psalm141v2 #Joel2v17 #Romans15v16 #2Corinthians5v20 #Philippians2v17 #1Timothy2v1-4 #Revelation5v8
Overview of the themes and key passages from the book of Hosea followed by preaching suggestions in the “Bible Survey” series.
#BibleSurvey #OldTestament #Hosea #MinorProphets #sermons #Godslove #Israel #laws #worship #Canaan #sinfulness #repent #churchhistory #backsliding #Godsjudgement #Assyrians #slowtoanger #restoration #exile #JewaandGentile #Christonlysaviour
#Hosea11v1-11 #Romans11
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘Now even the most lowly task becomes an act of worship. It may be washing clothes, cooking meals, repairing cars or working in the fields. This is just as much priestly work as preaching’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #Worship #sacrifices #consecration #bodyofChrist #gifts #praise #thankfulness #service #gooddeeds #churchmembers
#Romans12 #Galatians6v10 #Colossians3v17 #Philippians4v18 #Hebrews13v15-16
Overview of the themes and key passages from the book of Hosea followed by preaching suggestions in the “Bible Survey” series.
#BibleSurvey #OldTestament #Hosea #MinorProphets #sermons #ministry #prostitute #Israelsunfaithfulness #judgement #Jezreel #nomercy #notmypeople #God #spiritualrestoration
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘Just as the physical temple has been replaced by the spiritual temple of the church, so the physical sacrifices have been replaced by spiritual ones’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #theMostHolyPlace #templecurtain #DayofAtonement #accesstoGod #mediator #sacrifices #repentance #confession #forgiveness
#Psalm51v17 #Romans5v2 #Ephesians3v12 #Hebrews10v19-22 #1Peter2v5
Overview of the themes and key passages from the book of Hosea followed by preaching suggestions in the “Bible Survey” series.
#BibleSurvey #OldTestament #Hosea #MinorProphets #Israel #Judah #repentance #patience #restoration #Hezekiah #Manasseh #wickedness #judgment
#Ezekiel18v23 #Hosea
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘It is God who has blessed us with the privilege of priesthood.’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #election #consecration #holy #temple #sacrifices #righteousnessofChrist #livingstones #church #Exodus29 #Psalm65v4 #Ephesians2v19-22 #Titus3v5 #1Peter2v5
Overview of the themes and key passages from the book of Hosea followed by preaching suggestions in the “Bible Survey” series.
#BibleSurvey #OldTestament #Hosea #MinorProphets #Israel #Assyrians #promisesofrestoration #lastdays #kingDavid #Christ #Messiah #NewCovenant #spiritualunfaithfulness #ungodliness
#Hosea3-4 #1Peter2:9-10
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘This is a wonderful picture of Christ bearing our names before the Father on his shoulders and his heart, as a strong and tender Saviour’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #Christourhighpriest #chosen #sacrifice #atonement #temple #blood #mediator #intercession #access #mercyseat
#Hebrews5v5-6 #Hebrews9v11-12 #Hebrews9v24 #Hebrews7v25 #Revelation1v5-6
Overview of the themes and key passages from the book of Hosea followed by preaching suggestions in the “Bible Survey” series.
#BibleSurvey #OldTestament #Hosea #MinorProphets #northernkingdom #Israel #Assyrians #Judah #southernkingdom #marryaprostitute #sinscommitted #spirituallyunfaithful #Godlovedhispeople
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk

Friday Jan 31, 2025
Brooks Buser interview
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
During his visit to the UK in January, Brooks Buser (President of Radius International) joined us GBM Mission Centre. In this interview with Paul Brunning, Brooks speaks about his experience of pioneer church planting among the Yembi Yembi of Papua New Guinea and the work that Radius does in preparing future missionaries to serve in some of the most challenging places. We discuss the central place that local churches have in motivating, identifying and preparing their members for mission service, and the way that agencies like Radius and GBM can support this. Brooks also outlines the 'four lanes of mission work', and the importance of inspiring more Christians to take the gospel to peoples who have never yet heard.
missionary.com | Film series (streaming) | Film series (DVD)

Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
A brief series on the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.
What does this mean for us as individuals, and how does it affect the life of the local church?
‘Every believer is equal in the sight of God. Each one has the privilege of direct access to him through the Lord Jesus Christ. They don’t need any earthly minister to mediate between them and God or obtain his grace for them’
#PriesthoodofallBelievers #Clergylaity #priestlypower #mediator #shaman #manofGod #pastor #accesstoGod #control #sacerdotalism #sacraments #priest #submissiontoleaders
#1Peter2v5 #1Peter2v9 #Revelation1v5-6
#povertyandprosperity #speakupforthepoor #socialjustice #showcompassion #Godsplaceofjustice #newheaven #newearth #Fruitfulnessofheaven #Jesusshallreign
#2Peter3v13 #Revelation22v1-5
For more audio from GBM, visit www.gbm.org.uk/listen
To contact us, please email servingtoday@gbm.org.uk